Traditional Marketing

Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing encompasses offline strategies that have endured over time and have a proven success rate. We can assist you with direct mail marketing campaigns by designing a range of *print materials like letters, flyers, brochures or postcards, which when incorporating technology like QR codes, targetted to the right audience and integrated with other strategies, can be highly effective at promoting your business and enhancing your brand. We can design high quality materials for *print advertising to use in newspapers, magazines, coupon books, billboards and more which will make you stand out from the competition. We can also provide a range of services to support you at events like trade shows and product launches. * Please note we do not provide printing services.

Our Portfolio Contact Us

  • Our services

    Our services

    MYP can conceptualise or create high quality print materials for your traditional marketing campaigns:

    • Direct mailing
    • Advert design (Newspaper/Magazine)
    • Billboard design
    • Advert campaign
    • Events support
    • MYP Event/Happening

    Contact Us

  • Your benefits

    Your benefits

    SMEs can benefit from an integrated approach that embraces both traditional and digital marketing methods. MYP can help you make the most of a combined strategy:

    IFrom conceptualisation to designFrom conceptualisation to design
    Campaign implementationCampaign implementation
    From offline to onlineFrom offline to online
    Event supportEvent support
    Brand exposure through eventsBrand exposure through events

    Contact Us

Traditional Marketing Pricing Example


Direct Mail Design

A personalised design postcard or invitation. Design in CMYK, high resolutions with 5mm bleed for printing. Delivered in PDF/EPS (Vector) format.

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Ad Design

One work session with client to develop storyboard. Design in CMYK, high resolutions for a full page advert. Delivered in PDF/EPS (Vector) format.

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Basic Expo Package

One work session with client to discuss theme. One roll-up banner design (0.8 x 2 m), one 20 pages PP presentation, one flyer design, one logo pen design, one bag design.

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Get in touch

Opening hours

Mo-Fr 8am - 6pm


Office No.2, 14 Avenue Sodnac
Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius


Email moc.pymeht@tcatnoc
Phone +230 425 06 37

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